Sunday, March 13, 2011

Check here before buying an Apple product


 When I was salivating over a MacBook Pro last year my friend John suggested I check MacRumors' Buyer's Guide. Great advice! Sorry I didn't think to share it sooner.

The site chronicles all Apple's products and is updated all the time. It will tell you the date of the latest release and the average number of days between upgrades. It also links to relevant news. And it suggests whether to buy now or wait based on the analysis of rumors and timing.

So, if you're thinking of buying an iPhone-Perhaps you might want to wait. According to the site, the white iPhone is delayed till spring and it's been over 200 days since the "4" came out. So, a newer model is in the offing and unless you just have to have it right now, waiting is smart.

How many folks would have put off buying the Gen 1 iPad for Christmas  if they'd known that the iPad 2 was coming out in just 3 months?

Valuable site to keep in mind if you're thikning of purchasing anything Apple.

Belated thanks John.

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