Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh I love thee

Oh my. My heart is singing! Wonderful Kay in Houston has MADE MY DAY! A while back she gave me her old VCR and today I finally got around to plugging it in.

I am back in the analog world of TV recording! I popped in a tape and there was C. J. Craig visiting with a nano-technology billionaire. Oh my! I used to tape The West Wing every weekday from 7 to 9 then watch at some point during the day.

So, the next step is to find out if I can program it in advance to record shows. If I can make that happen I'm "In like Flynn". But now I'm stuck watching a great episode of The West Wing.

Fast forward 30 minutes...

YES!!! It works!!! No cable box. No TIVO bill. Next obstacle. I need to find some new VCR tapes. It would appear that I own ONE! Oh my.

A million blessings on your house Kay! You made my day!



  1. Next - an eight track cartridge player for the car?

  2. We're just getting ready to replace our tapes with DVDs -- will trade for scones!
    hugs, Abby & Ron

  3. I'm with you girl! We still use our VCR!
    A couple of weeks ago I asked on FB if any of my friends could tape a show for me.....NOBODY offered! Matt Minyard commented "1992 called, they want their technology back"!! Ha!
    Hope you can figure out how to record in advance!
    Do you have a group in your neighborhood? Maybe you could ask them for blank tapes....
