Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Too rich for my blood

As you no doubt know by now I'm pretty enamored of Groupons. I've been to some cool restaurants I might not have other wise tried and gotten my car detailed-she's purty now! I'm thinking of getting my oil changed this morning and may use my extra Groupon Coupon at Threadgill's this afternoon.

So, when I open my email in the morning I'm always anxious to read the day's Groupon offering. Today's is for Olivia Restaurant on South Lamar. Not a rarefied address but you never know.

I went to their site to check out their menus. Wow. I'm a pretty faithful "Top Chef" watcher, though less so in current years. So I've heard of  Beef Carpaccio and Gnocchi-might even like to try them. But when I read the menus at Olivia's I was completely overwhelmed. Even with the Groupon discount I'm thinking this place is way out of my league. And, somehow, I'm not too willing to order a dish which costs $25 and I have never heard of half the ingredients.

I guess I'm a hick after all.

Here's just part of their dinner menu.

You can download the menus and get a more comprehensive look. All looks good...I guess. And the next time a wealthy friend wants to take me to dinner...

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