Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cool web browsing tool

I read a lot of content on the web. I know you do too. Sometimes I get very distracted by the crap web pages have to the right or left of the main article. I especially hate the animated stuff which keeps moving in my peripheral vision.

It seems that ARC90 has come up with a very simple and elegant solution. Readability is a bookmarklet you put in your tool bar. Any time you want to read a page without all the distractions you just click your Readability bookmark and Viola! The page miraculously declutters and you end up with just the real content not all the rest.

And for a visually challenged reader there's a bonus. When you set up Readability, which takes about 15 seconds, you're asked what size type you'd like. I specified Large. WAY COOL-no need to command+ the text. It's oversized and ready to read.

This is a great little add on. I urge you to try it.

Thanks-once again to bookofjoe for the tip.

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