7:30 pm
Breezy, balmy, 78 degrees. The new moon is just about to take a dip in the western horizon.
I had a friend who referred to the small crescent moon as "God's fingernail." Exactly right.
About 20 degrees above the moon is bright, clear, shining white Venus. tonight she's the Evening Star.
And from there going up and a bit south all the way to south, south east are many wonders to behold. Even if your children are small, or if you only know the Dipper, tonight's the night to go outside.
Stand facing south and look up. There's Orion's belt. You'll find it visible in the sky all winter. The later in the winter, or later in the evening, the farther west it will appear. You can't miss it!
Come outside! Come outside! It's a perfect night out!
I was out earlier in the evening and saw the moon and Venus. Reminded me of 2001. The movie, not the year. Very cool.