Thursday, December 18, 2008

Doing something different

You know that old adage: Only a fool does the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

That's been brought home to me in recent weeks. I attended a three day training called The Landmark Forum. I'm here to say-as best I can tell, it's not a cult. So you can get past that from the get go.

The class starts by declaring that you can have anything you can set your sights on. It ends with the world is empty and meaningless. Taken out of context both these statements are pretty hard to swallow.

It took about 24 solid hours of butt numbing attention to bring the two together. In the end it all made sense. It takes a big empty space to have room for all the possibilities we can dream. We need a place to house and nurture our finest ideals and plans.

I went to the Landmark Forum to get passion into my life. To reinfuse my life with the delight and energy it used to have.

The Forum promises that you can have what you can envision:
More time
Let stress
Bigger dreams
Happier family
Better business.

My life has changed. I've decided to do something different. I am living my life believing that I can have all the passion I want. All the energy I need. And enough room for all the joy God has for me.

Ask me about the Landmark Forum. It's not a cult, but it's sure about doing something different.

1 comment:

  1. ...sounds like a cult to me...where can i join?"enjoy money more", i didn't see that...happy xmas...bob in sf...
